Bertram Horowitz, Inc. (BHI) draws upon extensive regulatory experience to provide actuarial and risk consulting services including reserving and ratemaking.

Bertram A. Horowitz, F.C.A.S., M.A.A.A., President is the former Special Deputy Superintendent and Financial Actuary for the New York Insurance Department.
BHI specializes in regulatory actuarial and risk consulting and provides the following services for the full range of property/casualty insurance lines of business:
- loss reserving
- ratemaking
- reinsurance and commutations
- valuations
- expert testimony
- litigation support
- special projects
BHI also serves as a title insurance financial consultant.
BHI has been engaged as consultant and/or provided litigation support and expert witness services for the New York Insurance Department, the New Jersey Insurance Department, the Pennsylvania Insurance Department, the California Insurance Department and various Liquidators, Rehabilitators, Insurance Consultants, Insurers, and Reinsurers.